Becoming Constellation

Sassoon Gallery (Folkestone)

Solo Exhibition  

Fabiola Paz, Dani de’Emilia, Ryan Burke, JD Melling, Keoui Keijaun Thomas, Alicia Radage, Andre Braga Verissimo, Bean, Joseph Morgan Schofield, Matteo Cortés, Jade Montserrat and Esther Neff.
Initiated in 2016 by Benjamin Sebastian as an ever evolving / incompletable, transmedial artwork and exhibition, Becoming Constellation encompasses sigil craft, tattooing, visual art exhibition & a continually growing collaborator set. Becoming Constellation seeks to map queer narrative production across people, geographies and time.

Tattooing aspects of Becoming Constellation were created in co-operation with tattoo artists Desmond Byrne and Jon MDC. Photographic Documentation by Manuel Vason. Funded by Creative Folkestone and Kent County Counicl.