Luca Bosani
C0041: Time’s Up
VSSL Studio
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“Statement of facts: On 02/10/2020 I handed my resignation letter to the City of Westminster College and left my teaching career in the arts to fully dedicate myself to pressing conundrums and investigations. Over the course of the years as TLSB Private Investigator, I was confronted by a number of puzzling UPO apparitions and mysterious occurrences. But like UHT milk has an expiry date, I feel that now might be the time to move on and look for another job. I haven’t communicated yet my decision to Sybil and Tommaso because I am still unsure about future plans and opportunities.Therefore I please ask you to maintain maximum secrecy about the matter.”

VSSL Studio
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“Statement of facts: On 02/10/2020 I handed my resignation letter to the City of Westminster College and left my teaching career in the arts to fully dedicate myself to pressing conundrums and investigations. Over the course of the years as TLSB Private Investigator, I was confronted by a number of puzzling UPO apparitions and mysterious occurrences. But like UHT milk has an expiry date, I feel that now might be the time to move on and look for another job. I haven’t communicated yet my decision to Sybil and Tommaso because I am still unsure about future plans and opportunities.Therefore I please ask you to maintain maximum secrecy about the matter.”
- Luca Bosani