VSSL Studio
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Tiding was a day of performance art taking place at two historic places of worship in Folkestone and Romney Marsh - a celebration of the spring, the return of life after the retreats of winter and lockdown. Tiding also marked the last public programming ]performance s p a c e [ curated in Folkestone before the organisations return to London.
VSSL Studio
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“Tiding, meaning a communication, or an announcement, or to drift with, or as if with, the force of the waves.”
Tiding was a day of performance art taking place at two historic places of worship in Folkestone and Romney Marsh - a celebration of the spring, the return of life after the retreats of winter and lockdown. Tiding also marked the last public programming ]performance s p a c e [ curated in Folkestone before the organisations return to London.
“]ps[ has made a home for performance art and artists on Tontine Street since 2016. We have organised festivals, hosted residencies, curated exhibitions, and worked in collaboration with our peers and communities. Across this time, we have remained in dialogue with the remarkable landscape of the Kent coast, and so it is fitting that Tiding occured at both the Parish Church of St Mary and St Eanswythe in Folkestone, and St Augustine’s at Snave, a remote church in Romney Marsh.

People have met to worship at St Mary and St Eanswythe since the 7th Century, and at Snave since the 13th Century. In inviting James, Kelvin, Léann, Lynn, Monstera, and Sandra to make works in dialgoue with these two old churches, ]ps[ sort to engender conversations around religion, and the histories of violence, exclusion and loss which these sites call in. At the same time, as we prepared the churches - negotiating space, sourcing materials, collecting dust - we thought about the ceremonial and spiritual funcitons of performance art - as a technology of gathering, meditation, celebration and reflection.

James Jordan Johnson + Kelvin Atmadibrata + Léann Herlihy + Lynn lu + Monstera Deliciosa + Sandra Johnston
Curated by Benjamin Sebastian on behalf of ]performance s p a c e [ with curatorial support from Joseph Morgan Schofield. With thanks to Ash McNaughton. Photographic annd video documentation by Marco Berardi & Baiba Sprance. Funded by Arts Counicl England, Creative Folkestone, Kent County Council, Kent Wildlife Trust and the Roger De Haan Charitable Trust.
James Jordan Johnson + Kelvin Atmadibrata + Léann Herlihy + Lynn lu + Monstera Deliciosa + Sandra Johnston
Curated by Benjamin Sebastian on behalf of ]performance s p a c e [ with curatorial support from Joseph Morgan Schofield. With thanks to Ash McNaughton. Photographic annd video documentation by Marco Berardi & Baiba Sprance. Funded by Arts Counicl England, Creative Folkestone, Kent County Council, Kent Wildlife Trust and the Roger De Haan Charitable Trust.