

With specialisms in both performance art and contemporary British art, Sebastian has accrued over thirteen years combined curatorial experience as an independent curator & artistic director of both ]performance s p a c e [ and VSSL Studio

‘Archipelago: Visions in Orbit’ at Whitechapel Gallery - including works by: Jakob Rowlison, Jade de Montserrat, Daniella Valz Gen, Cameron Ugbodu, Esther Teichmann and Güler Ateş - London. Photography courtesy of Whitechapel Gallery - 2024

They hold an MA in Curating Art & Public Programmes (distinction) from Whitechapel Gallery & London South Bank University and have forged a unique curatorial voice foregrounding the often time-based practices of queer, global majority, neurodivergent, and womxn artists - including the work of: Carlos Martiel, Sin Wai Kin, Anne Bean, Jade de Montserrat, Ron Athey, Kira O’Reilly, Maria José Arjona, Martin O’Brien, Keioui Keijaun Thomas, Alastair MaLennanRubiane Maia, Daniella Valz Gen, Rocío Boliver, Julie Tolentino, selina bonelli, and Sandra Johnston.

‘June Lam’ at VSSL Studio - solo exhibition - London. Photographed by Marco Berardi - 2023

At the core of this methodology is an acknowledgment that such practices act as critical & speculative agents, imbued with boundless potential to unearth alternative socio-cultural narratives, while generating emergent discourses capable of shaping our futures.

‘PSX: A Decade of Performance Art in the U.K.’ at Ugly Duck - including works by: Rubiane Maia, Ron Athey, Martin O’Brien, Poppy Jackson, Alastair MacLennan, Anne Bean, Joseph Morgan Schofield, Elvira Santamaria Torrés, selina bonelli, Jade de Montserrat, Benjamin Sebastian, Nina Arsenault, Keioui Keijaun Thomas, Nicholas T, Hancock and Kelly, Kris Kanavan & Elizabeth Short (performing as Nick Kilby) - London. Photographed by fenia kotsopoulou - 2021
Their curatorial practise is deeply rooted in an analytic consideration of their field, exemplified by critical and creative writings on contemporary artistic practice, a selection of which can be read here. Below is a comprehensive list of Sebastian’s curatorial projects to date, which can be navigated by clicking individual links or through endless scroll.